How to Select the Correct Subaward Budget Form

Have you ever uploaded the wrong subaward budget form to Coeus?

Did you have to re-key the entire subaward budget onto a new form?

Do you never want to do that again!?

If your proposal will include the submission of subawards to, OSP recommends identifying the appropriate form early in the process and sending that form to your subaward contacts. That way, they can use the appropriate form for their budget and no one does extra work.

The sponsor selects which forms are accepted for each of their funding opportunities. All legitimate subaward budget forms can be uploaded into Coeus and translated into the budget. However, only the appropriate form will populate the funding opportunity without errors.

For example, if your application package includes the RR Budget V1-3 budget form for the main budget on the tab …

… then use the RR Budget V1-3 budget form to develop and upload your subaward budgets.

Another common method of finding the appropriate form is to use the table on the Coeus Help Subaward Forms page to find the corresponding subaward budget form:

You can download all subaward budget forms from our website on the Subaward Forms page.

Please contact your OSP Specialist or with any questions about narratives or proposal roles.

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