Expired Opportunities

unsplash-logoNathan Dumlao

Government sponsors have recently reissued several opportunities due to changes in program instructions. Before you route a Coeus proposal, double-check that your opportunity does not expire in the near future. To do this, check the Closing Date on the Grants.gov screen of your proposal:

If your opportunity expires before your chosen submission date you can find the new opportunity by searching the Grants.gov page: https://www.grants.gov

The page for the old opportunity should list the new opportunity under the VERSION HISTORY tab:

When changing opportunity numbers in Coeus, remember to use the Delete Opportunity button on the Coeus Grants.gov screen. Then save your proposal and input the new opportunity number:

Do not erase the opportunity number from the Funding Opportunity field:

If you have questions, or encounter difficulty, please contact coeushelp-vumc@vumc.org