Frequently asked questions and useful information.

What do you need help with?

General FAQs

I am trying to edit my proposal or award, and Coeus tells me that I am already using it. What do I do?

I need to add someone to my proposal who is coming to VUMC, but is not here yet. But I can’t find them in Coeus! Help!

Proposal FAQs

My proposal uses the Human Subjects/Clinical Trials form. Where can I find more information about this form?

Why does the name of one of the people on my proposal appear in red?

Why does the name of one of the people on my proposal appear in blue?

I got a validation error saying that I need an External unit for someone on my proposal. What does that mean?

I am unable to certify the investigator on my proposal. The Certify button is grayed out.

I am trying to get a Center Number for my proposal, but I am getting an error in the Center Management System.

Budget FAQs

My budget is marked Complete and I am unable to modify it. How can I make changes?

Why can’t MS Excel or spreadsheet budgets be used in Coeus, or “translated” to create the budget in Coeus?

My proposal has a modular budget with an outgoing subaward. Why don’t the budget amounts on the SF-424 match the amounts from my budget?

Subaward Budget FAQs

I have uploaded my subaward to Coeus, but it will not translate or generate the subaward line items in my budget. Please help!

I have uploaded my subaward form to Coeus and it translated properly but throws a weird error when I try to view the Grants.gov form.

My proposal has a modular budget with an outgoing subaward. Why don’t the budget amounts on the SF-424 match the amounts from my budget?

Validation FAQs

I am trying to validate my proposal for routing and submission to Grants.gov, and got an error that says “An Unknown Error has occurred. Please Contact System Administrator.”

General FAQs

Coeus Premium users: Before contacting Coeus Help about Coeus technical issues, please exit out of Coeus and restart the application. This will ensure that you have the most recent version of Coeus on your desktop. It is always best to exit out of Coeus each night to avoid software issues or possible data loss.

Proposal FAQs

Budget FAQs

Subaward Budget FAQs

Validation FAQs

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